The National Association of State Boating Law
Administrators :
This organization represents the
safety and enforcement officers from each state. They
meet regionally and nationally, and designate to their sub-committees the problems and
concerns relative to boating safety. You can
imagine the important work they do to build consensus and model programs amid the multiple
state jurisdictions. If you are from Arizona and
trailer your boat to California waters, you are responsible to know the rules that apply
in both your home state and the state you visit. Within the state of Nevada, there are
three jurisdictions: Indian reservation lakes,
such as Pyramid; and state and federal waterways. These exclusive, but often overlapping
jurisdictions, confuse the picture for boaters. This
is one of the many reasons NASBLA is so critical to achieving consensus and conformity.
The other area, which particularly
concerns SPIN, is that of education. NASBLA
has developed education standards for instruction and provides this format as a model to
all states considering mandatory instruction requirements for boaters. Phyllis Kopytko of SPIN sits on the education committee
of NASBLA as an associate member, representing the Greater Coalition: SPIN, Aaron Foundation, and The Friends and Families for
Personal Watercraft Safety. It is our objective to
get a separate section within the NASBLA education standards devoted to Propeller Accident
Prevention, equal to that of the two sections on PWC Safety and CO Poisoning. The
importance of this education was recommended in a resolution by NBSAC (National Boating
Safety Advisory Council) in 2002 and again at the meeting in November 2005. NBSAC advises
and recommends. Their recommendation is before
NASBLA. NBSAC has no authority to compel. You need to exercise your power and privilege as a
citizen of your state to encourage education that also includes specific guidelines on how
to prevent propeller injuries and fatalities.
On the web site, there is a list and contact information for
the BLA in your state.
If you want a copy of your accident report, contact your BLA
(Boating Law Administrator)
If you want a status on mandatory education, rules and
regulations, waterway guidelines, contact your BLA.
If you want to support current state efforts before the
legislature, contact your BLA.
If you want to find a speaking venue to promote propeller
awareness and injury prevention, contact your BLA. |