Regulations – Page 4

UK Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) backs off prop guard statement

Cian Williams, then 13, was struck by a boat propeller in August 2012 in Wales. Since the strike, Cian and his mother have been among the leading propeller safety advocates in the UK. Cian has been gathering names on a petition to change Welsh law to require propeller guards on boat propellers. In the wake […]

BBC Boat Kill Cord Investigative Report

“Inside Out South West” on BBC aired about a ten minute investigative report on boat kill cord safety in the UK on Monday evening September 30, 2013. If you have not yet seen the video, details for viewing it through approximately Monday October 6th are on our announcement of the broadcast. If you are still […]

BBC to Broadcast Boat Kill Cord Video Monday 30 September 2013

We discuss and review the actual broadcast at BBC Kill Cord Investigative Report. This page announced the program and covers how to “watch” the program until approximately Monday October 7th, 2013. ******************* We just heard the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) will be broadcasting their boat kill-cord / lanyard kill switch short documentary film tonight, Monday […]

Yachting Australia Issues Safety Notice Calling for Propeller Guards

Yachting Australia, a national sports organization for Sailing, issued a Safety Information Notice on the Risk of Propeller Strikes 26 August 2013. Yachting Australia is a federation of 8 state and territory yachting associations that represent a total of nearly 400 affiliated sailing clubs and about 60,000 members. and Australian Sailing are also under […]

USCG’s “Estimating Benefits of Reducing Accidents” Our Public Comment

The U.S. Coast Guard requested public comments on an Industrial Economics Incorporated (IEC) report, “Estimating the Benefits of Reducing the Risk of Recreational Boating Accidents: Alternative Sources of Information on Fatalities, Injuries, and Property Damages” by August 27, 2013 in docket #USCG-2013-0437. The report was funded by USCG to investigate how underreporting / under reporting […]

Benefits of Reducing Boating Accidents: USCG requests comments on report

The U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) announced the availability of a report, “Estimating Benefits of Reducing Recreational Boating Accidents: Alternative Sources of Information on Fatalities, Injuries, and Property Damages” in the June 28, 2013 issue of the Federal Register. The study is dated September 12, 2011. The report reviews data related to recreational boating accidents to […]

Exposed Propellers Are a Financial Hazard per Afloat Editorial

The June 2013 editorial in Afloat, an Australian boating and sail boating magazine, is titled “Exposed Propellers Are Now Both a Safety…. And Financial Hazard!“. The editorial by Robin Copeland strongly makes the point that Australian regulators and New Zealand Courts are charging and pursuing organizations that fail to provide safeguards for their employees and […]

Propeller Guards Required by U.S. Masters Swimming Open Water Events

U.S. Masters Swimming (USMS) was facing skyrocketing insurance costs for open water swimming events. Costs have risen so high that many members would no longer be able to compete. As a part of the changes, boats will now be required to have propeller guards. Nadine Day, USMS President, says the increased insurance premium was mostly […]

USCG Propeller Safety Regulations Timeline / History

Since the mid 1990’s the United States Coast Guard has published several notices concerning proposed regulations involving propeller guards & other propeller safety devices, and requested public input on those proposals. While much of the focus has been on propeller guards, other propeller safety devices have also been discussed. Among them are swim ladder interlock […]

Licensing Propeller Safety Technologies That Are Part of Industry Standards / Regulations: Similar Case Heads to Court

A case currently before U.S. District Court in Seattle may have bearing on the licensing of propeller guards and other propeller safety technologies. In the past, some have said that swim ladder switches such at Keith Jackson / MariTech’s Prop Stopper could not be included in any USCG propeller safety regulation because they are a […]