The Leash Goes International: Saves Japanese Angler

Yukihiro Sawamura day of Bassmaster Kentucky Lake Open bass tournament 2025.

Yukihiro Sawamura day 1 of the Bassmaster Kentucky Lake Open bass tournament 2025.

Yukihiro Sawamura, professional bass angler from Japan, was competing in the 2025 Bassmaster Open on Kentucky Lake. His Vexus boat can be seen in the Bassmaster image below.

Kentucky Lake has been the site of several outboard motors breaking off and flipping into boats during bass tournaments. Among them were Kevin Vires in 2006, David “Scottie” Young in 2007, and the 2013 fatality of Timothy Clippard.

Yukihiro Sawamura's 2025 Vexus bass boat powered buy a 250 horsepower Mercury Four-stroke outboard motor. Bassmaster image.

Yukihiro Sawamura’s 2025 Vexus bass boat powered buy a 250 horsepower Mercury Four-stroke outboard motor. Bassmaster image.

On day 2 (March 7, 2025) of the tournament Yukihiro’s 250 horsepower Mercury Marine Four-stroke outboard motor broke free from his Vexus boat. The gearcase broke off the bottom of the drive when it struck something. The powerhead slammed onto the rear deck. The Leash did its job and kept the large outboard motor from fully entering the boat. See photos below that were posted by Precision Sonar. They market The Leash, a tether to prevent outboard motors from entering boats. Precision Sonar’s factory is located near Kentucky Lake. They were able to respond to Kentucky Lake before Yukihiro’s boat was brought back in.

Yukihiro’s Own Words

Yukihiro Sawamura posted about the accident in Japanese. I used Google Translate to convert his post to English which is below.

Yukihiro Sawamura Bassmaster Open Round 2
Kentucky Lake Day 2

An incident that happened as we left the first spot after starting!!

I think I probably hit a rock and the game ended at that point.

It was a shocking accident that could have easily become a catastrophe.

Immediately after the hit, the boat spun 180 degrees, but it rotated smoothly and stopped, so fortunately, the boat and I were safe except for the engine. As the boat was traveling at 70 mph when it was hit, not only was the lower case taken off, but the engine was also blown away.

No doubt this was due to the leash cord that Texas Boat World had set up just in case the engine mount broke and the Kevlar cord was used to prevent it from flying off towards the passengers.

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Texas Boat World & SDG Marine for their support, which allowed me to report to Bassmaster and all other parties involved, and most importantly, for the perfect rescue and return to land safely.

And to all of you who have supported us, we would like to deeply apologize for ending Round 2 in this way.

Statistical Value of Life VSL of a RIght Whale: Vessel Speed

How Much is the Life of a Whale Worth?

Right Whales were the topic of a webinar, Leveraging Technology and Marine Electronics to Reduce Risk of Vessel Strikes with Protected Species and Improve Boater Safety, sponsored by IBEX (International BoatBuilders’ Exhibition and & Conference). The December 11, 2024 webinar was also sponsored by NMEA (National Marine Electronics Association) and WAVS Taskforce (Whale and Vessel Safety Taskforce).

Right Whale. Image courtesy of Encyclopedia Britannica.

Right Whale. Image courtesy of Encyclopedia Britannica.

The webinar focused on the current and anticipated future status of technologies that could be used to prevent recreational boats from striking right whales.

NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) currently speed limits vessels 65 feet and longer in certain areas along the east coast on certain dates to 10 knots or less. This is done to reduce the frequency and severity of impacts with right whales.

NOAA withdrew a proposal today (15 January 2025) that would have lowered the 65 foot rule down to vessels 35 feet and longer. This would have included many offshore sport fishing vessels. NMMA (National Marine Manufacturers Association) strongly objected to the proposed rule. NMMA says one way to limit whale strikes is to “leverage technology and marine electronics to reduce risk of vessel strikes”.

Some of those technologies were showcased in a recent seminar.

Whale Seminar Speakers

The recent 10 December 2024 IBEX seminar heard from a series of professionals:

  • Teledyne / FLIR: thermal cameras
  • NACICO / Brunswick, Lowrance: monitors, connection ports, the Internet, VHS radios, AIS
  • GARMIN: mapping
  • Wrapping all these technologies together through sensor fusion and other methods

The Whale Protection Presentations

I found the presentations very interesting. NMMA has been trying to fight this proposed rule as hard as possible, but the electronic manufacturers see it as a huge new opportunity. While presenters did not make sales pitches, it was apparent why they were so interested in an effort “save the whales”.

Prior to the webinar we noted NOAA reported only 8 right whales were confirmed to have been struck by a boat from 1999 to 2022. That is much less than one person per year and we suspect most of those were struck by boats 35 feet and longer. Over the same period the U.S. Coast Guard Boating Accident Report Database reports over 650 people killed by a boat propeller.

With all the expensive electronic products shown in the webinar, I should have asked what they though the range of costs per vessel might be to set them up to avoid right whales. Some of the technologies they discussed are not yet released such as sharing information between vessels in the area, active fencing in GPS displays based on current conditions, automatically updating maps in your regularly used areas. For additional funds you can add things like cooling the cameras for better images, dynamic stabilization of images, higher resolution infrared cameras, accepting inputs from the whale alert app, dynamic management areas are changing every 15 days, species classification, hard to see in fog, FarSounder for underwater detection, etc.

A question from attendees was, “How do you prevent whale hunters from using these technologies?”

My Thoughts on the Presentations

I have not doubt those involved would like to prevent whales from being struck by recreational boats. However, I also recognize their respective firms see this as a major growth opportunity. While smaller near shore vessels may buy some of these tools, they will normally be purchasing lower end devices. Thirty-five foot and up offshore charter fishermen and going to buy higher end, high performance, more reliable equipment. Several of these devices already have a function on offshore boats, stepping up a few steps for preventing whale strikes, can also help their normal business.

President Biden’s Funding of Right Whales

The Inflation Reduction Act included $82 million to conserve and recover endangered North Atlantic right whales.

The Endangered Species Act

Right whales are officially listed as an endangered species, but their population and prognosis looks like they could be considered for removal from the list. However, like many endangered species, they pretty much become a business hub with many business and individuals writing grant proposals, keeping the endangered species filings up to date, manufacturing devices, improving habitat, giving eco-tours, raising awareness, fundraisers, lobbyist, photographers, videographers, social media experts, campaign managers, developing info-graphics, selling t-shirts and merchandise, publishing articles, keeping their money winner front and center in of the public and the government.

Just like the folks designing, manufacturing, and marketing devices with potential application to minimizing right whale strikes in recreational boats, I suspect folks working in the field of other endangered species hope to prevent bad things from happening to their species, but also are interesting in making a profit along the way.

Profitability combined with hundreds to thousands of individuals interested in saving certain species make it pretty much impossible for a species to be delisted once it makes it onto the endangered species list.

It is well known those not really concerned about an endangered species have used it to stop land development projects.

What is the value of a non-human life

After working with the Value of a Statistical Life to justify propeller safety proposals, it seems quite obvious we should use the value of non-human species in making these types of decisions.

For example, coal fired power plants have been calculated to cause a number of human deaths by asthma, COPD, and related breathing problems. Analysis are conducted based on the particulate ejected from the smokestacks, the distance to populated areas, the density of populations, prevailing winds, etc. But, currently no efforts are made to calculate the number of dogs and other mammals that similarly die from the emissions or place a value upon them.

Typically humans are asked how much they would be Willing to Pay (WTP) to remove a specific risk of something of the order on 1 in 10,000 to 1 in 100,000 to themselves. If the average person is willing to pay $100 to avoid a risk of 1 in 100,000, The Value of a Statistical Life (VSL) is $100 X 10,000 = $10 million. Regulatory risk are often in the zone of 1 in 10,000 to 1 in 100,000 fatalities per person exposed to the risk.

Previous attempts to place values on non-humans quickly focused on how much value pet owners were willing to place on their dog. Early work showed values in the range of $10,000 were often the answer. Things became more nebulous when it came to the value of stray dogs, dogs in the pound, etc.

Some Problems With Trying to Put a Value on a Non-Human Life

Another problem is welfare of non-human lives. For example do we just want to save animals but let them live their lives in terrible conditions with little food and no pleasures in their lives. Investigations in this area turned to food as a cost. How much food were animals willing to give up to move to areas with better, healthier living conditions. Free range eggs were seen as a way to evaluate how much some people were willing to pay for chickens to have what they thought to be better living conditions.

Some have suggested using the purchase value of animals in auctions as the value of farm animals, horses, etc.

Others have suggested using the value of their body (tusks, hooves, hide, skin, teeth, taxidermy, etc)

Some animals, including whales, are the source of eco-tourism dollars? Does the number of whales at a site divided by the number of dollars raised in eco-tourism equal the value of a whale?

Geography is an issue with those living in or near the habitat of the endangered species typically placing a greater value upon the life of an individual of that species.

Delta Smelt

There are huge populations of certain types of animals, even those on the endangered species list. Is it really worth much to save one small fish when there are tens of thousands of similar small fish?

For example, the current issue surrounding California dams being removed to protect endangered Delta smelt fish in the wake of the major ongoing wildfires near Los Angeles.

Delta smelt: National Geographic image

Delta smelt: National Geographic image

Some surveys asks how much people would be willing to pay annually for 20 years to improve the population of a certain species such as salmon. But that data does not apply to individual fish.


Do animals feel pain, which animals feel pain? Do the go through tremendous pain when they are mortally wounded and take a while to die? Does that add value to their statistical value of life?

Several of the issues above are in part why we do not currently have a definitive number for the value of life of animals OR plants OR insects.

Attempts at Placing a Value on the Life of a Whale

We have seen a few attempts at this and suggest one ourselves.

1. The 2005 Official Recovery Plan for the North Atlantic Right Whale. Prepared for The Office of Protected Resources. National Marine Fisheries Service. NOAA. This is the recovery plan required by the Endangered Species Act.

Plans are made 5 years at a time. This 5 year plan had an estimated total cost of $44.305 million. The report when on to state the estimated total recovery cost could not be estimated because it would likely take decades. At this time the North Atlantic Right Whale population was estimated to be 300 whales.

$44.305 million / 300 whales = about $148,000 per whale for the then current 5 year plan. If spending at that level went on for decades, they could well be valued at a few million dollars per whale.

2. What’s a Whale Worth. Valuing Whales for National Whale Day. Final Report. Economists at Large. Note all dollars in this report based on 2008 data are Australian dollars.

Australia has Southern Right Whales and Humpback Whales. They placed a value on whales dividing totals whale watching ticket sales, and again based on total whale watching tourism expenditures. They used the number of tourists and the umber of whales at 3 specific whale tourism sites. The annual value of each whale was used to determine the present value of its life over its lifetime of earnings.

Broome in Western Australia has a lot of humpback whales and not very many tourists. Warrnambool in Victoria has few Southern Right whales and lots of tourists.

Over 1.6 million people went whale watching in Australia in 2008. They spent $48 million on tickets and a total other expenditures of $264.3 million or a total whale watching an related expenditures of $312.3 million. Whale watching accounted for about 4 percent of Australian GDP during the years studied.

The authors used a conservative 60 year life expectancy for humpback whales and a conservative 40 year life expectancy for Southern Right Whales.
Using the total expenditures (tickets plus other expenditures) on whale tourism in each zone, they placed a value:

  • $1,259,000 on each Southern Right whales at Warrnambool in Victoria Australia
  • $32,000 on each Humpback Whale at Broome in Western Australia

3. A Strategy to Protect Whales Can Limit Greenhouse Gases and Global Warming. Nature’s Solution to Climate Change. F&D Finance & Development Magazine. International Monetary Fund. December 2019.

The theory is that whales eat plankton. Plankton capture an estimated total of 40 percent of all CO2 produced. Whales devour and store huge amounts of carbon monoxide while their excretment is fed upon by plankton which also produce about about 50 percent of the oxygen in our atmosphere. When whales do die, they sink to the bottom of the ocean, are fed upon by other ocean life, and give up C02 very slowly

Per the article the average value of a great whale based on the value of CO2 sequestered over a lifetime, fishery enhancement, and ecotourism is greater than $2 million.

The article says if whale populations returned to pre-whaling levels, it would be worth $13 per year per person on earth to subsidize them.

The article opened noting one whale is worth thousands of trees.

4. President Biden announced $82 in funding boost to save North American Right Whales from Extinction. KMYU (Salt Lake). 19 September 2023.

$82 million spread over 350 right whale is an expense of about $234,000 per right whale. While this is not a value of the life of a whale, one could say that if it is worth an additional $234,000 per right whale to try to save the species, right whales are probably worth something in excess of $250,000.

5. SI Appendix. Conservation Triage or Injurious Neglect in Endangered Species Recovery. PNAS. Gerber. March 29, 2016.

This paper reports on the funding requested by the endangered species per their recovery plan vs. the actual funding received.

It stated Right Whales planned $9,658,490 for 2010 but only received about 37 percent of it.

Just looking at one year’s planned expenses $9,658,490 / 350 whales = about $27,600 per whale per year.

6. National Values for Regional Aquatic Species at Risk in Canada. Endangered Species Research. March 2009.

Some Right Whales spend time in Canadian waters.

A survey measured the willingness of Canadians to pay $20 per year for 20 years to increase the Right Whale population by 50% with a 100 percent probability of success or to buy into a one dollar per year program for another fish or to do nothing. The funds would be collected with their taxes. Right Whales were among the most popular choices to fund.

7. North Atlantic Right Whale Vessel Speed Rule Assessment. June 2020. NOAAA Fisheries, Office of Protected Resources. The proposed rule cost an estimated $28.3 to $39.4 million with 58 to 78 percent of that born by the containership industry.

$28.3 Million / 350 whales = about $81,000 per right whale to $39.4 million / 350 = about $112,600 per whale.

8. Draft Regulatory Impact Review and Initial Regulatory Flexibility Analysis. Amendments to the North Atlantic Right Whale Vessel Strike Reduction Rule. Office of Protected Resources. National Marine Fisheries Service. NOAA. July 2022.

Changes include expansion of the existing 10 knot speed restrictions in Seasonal Speed Zones which now include most vessels greater than or equal to 35 feet up to vessels less than or equal to 65 feet.

A series of 5 proposals are made ranging from Proposal 1 = no change, to Proposal 5 being the Preferred Alternative. Proposal 5 has cost of $46,216,122. They anticipate 35 percent of that would be born by the shipping industry being slowed down in more zones for longer times than they currently are.

$46,216,122 / 350 whales = about $132,000 per whale

The report says the maximum number of fatalities North Atlantic Right Whales can sustain in a year over and above natural fatalities is .7 whales. Over time the species cannot recover if average losses exceed .7 whales per year.

Per the report, vessels < 65 feet accounted to 5 of the 12 undocumented lethal strike events in U.S. Waters since 2008.

8B. Literature Study in # 8 Above

Among the first reports of this nature to do so, they include a brief literature study of efforts to place non-use values on marine mammals. (see Pages 18-19 of their report).

Only one of the studies they cited specifically looked at Right Whales, the Wallmo and Lew study. Wallmo and Lew focused on Public Willingness to Pay (WTP) for recovering Endangered Species or just getting them recovered enough to get them off the Endangered Species list.

Wallmo and Lew found a mean WTP per household for ten years of $71.62 go recover North American Right Whale populations and a mean WTP of $38.79 a year for 10 years per household to get them off the endangered species list and moving them to the threatened list. Note, both groups were told it could take 50 years to see the fruits of their investment. The survey was sent to a random sample of 11,971 U.S. households. All values were in 2010 U.S. dollars. They were told the annual charge would be added to their taxes.

10 years X $ 71.62 x 116.7 million households in 2010 = about 83.6 billion / 350 whales = $238.8 million per whale

In real life, many households could pay none to very little toward the project. Some corporations, especially those in related industries might participate.

9. NOAA Protected Species Economics research estimated Americans were Willing to Pay (WTP) $4.3 billion annually for recovery of the North Atlantic Right Whale.

$4.3 billion / 350 = about $12.3 million per right whale per year.

In 2008 NOAA estimated the whale watching industry had an economic value of about 2.3 billion.

We suggest the NOAA study is an overestimation as many would not be able to pay.

9. U.S. Income from whale watching expenditures. Reference: “Whale Watching Worldwide” A special report from the International Fund for Animal Welfare. 2009.

Page 213 of the report begins the coverage of U.S. Whale Watching income. It cites 2008 direct expenditures of $508,672,475 and indirect expenditures of $447,942,829 for a total of $956, 615,304 for all U.S. Whale watching income from watching all kinds of whales. Alaska and Hawaii accounted for over 60 percent of the overall total income.

Washington, Oregon, and California accounted for another 18 percent of the total. That leaves about 22 percent possibly related to right whale tourism.

22% of $1 billion = $220 million in 2008 dollars as a very rough estimate.

If you split $220 million / 350 Northern Right Whales = a maximum of about $570,000 per Northern Right Whale, but other kinds of whales and maybe some dolphins are still within this total.

10. PropellerSafety thought – The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) currently (December 2024) places the Value of a Statistical Life of a human at $13.2 million. We suspect that most of us if placed in the situation of seeing a Right Whale about to eat or otherwise definitely kill a human and we had some tool that could quickly kill the whale we would use it. That means the Statistical Value of Life of a Right Whale is less than $13.2 million.

If you took the same scenario and 2 or 3 or 10 or 20 Right Whales were together about to kill one human being and we had a tool that would quickly kill all of them, at some point of increasing numbers of Right Whales at least some of us would begin to think about sacrificing the human. That experiment could be provided as a survey questionnaire to supply another estimate of the value of the statistical life of a right whale.

Three references shedding some light on the challenge of deciding how many animals does it take to equal a human life are:

A. Humans First: Why People Value Animals Less Than Humans. Caviola, Schubert, Kahane Faber. Cognition (an Elsevier Journal). Vol. 225 (2022).

B. How People Vaue the Lives of Animals Relative to Humans. Summary of the article above by Zach Wulderk. Faunalitics.

C. Ethical Delima: Whose Life is More Valuable? Rebecca Walker. A November 2022 TED talk video.

Summary of Values Placed on a Right Whale

  • $148,000 per right whale for the 2005 5 year plan. Spending at that level could go on for decades
  • $1,259,000 AU on each Southern Right whales at Warrnambool in Victoria Australia from right whale tourism
  • > $2 million per the greenhouse gas report
  • in excess of $250,000 per right whale per Pres. Biden $82 million award in 2023
  • $27,600 to be spent per Right Whale per year per Gerber report
  • $20 Canadian per year per family for 20 years to increase right whale population by 50 percent was a popular plan in a Canadian survey
  • $81,000 to 121,600 per right whale per year was the cost of the current vessel speed rule was first proposed in 2020
  • $239 million per Wallmo and Lew as quoted by the NOAA Regulatory Impact Review
  • $132,000 per right whale per year is the cost of the currently proposed vessel speed rule preferred option 5 in 2022
  • maximum of $570,000 per year for North American Right Whale tourism expenses per the International whale tour study
  • < $13.2 million per right whale per PropellerSafety

Only three of the estimates above place a discrete value on the life of a right whale: #2 the Australian studies, #3 the greenhouse gas report, and #8 the Wallmo and Lew estimate cited in NOAA’s regulatory review. regulations.

With the Australian and Greenhouse gas estimates reaching somewhat similar estimates and the Wallmo and Lew estimated not able to be supported by all individuals in the U.S., we will go with an estimate of $2 million for the life of a North American Right Whale.

Compare Cost of Whale Deaths vs. Cost of People Deaths

NOAA reported only 8 right whales were confirmed to have been struck by a boat from 1999 to 2022. That is about 8/22 = about 1/3 of a whale per year. Note, those are just struck, they did not all die.

Eight Right Whales struck X $2 million/whale = $16 million dollars for the struck whales (note not all struck whales died)

A search of the USCG BARD database shows over 650 people killed over the same period.

650 people X $13.2 million / person = $8.6 billion.

$8.6 billion / $216 million = 537

Human fatalities are worth over 500 times that of a whale strikes over the same time that may not even result in a whale fatality.,

Compare Costs of Prevention Programs

The Proposed Whale Speed Reduction Rule would currently cost about $132,000 per Right Whale per year or about $46 million per year. This is in addition to all the currently existing programs trying to protect Right Whales.

We currently know of NO programs in operation specifically to reduce the number of boat propeller accidents. Law enforcement does conduct ongoing law enforcement activities on the water, just like the U.S. Coast Guard does, but those expenses are not directly tied to reducing boat propeller strikes.

$46 million a year to prevent 1/3 of a whale strike a year but nothing to prevent about 20 to 45 human fatalities a year.

That would be a pretty hard sell to folks that lost family members to boat propellers.

Are Right Whales Worth More Than Delta Smelt? How Many Humans Are They Worth?

First are we talking about one Right Whale vs one tiny Delta Smelt?

Or are we talking about every single member of the species together?

These are just a few of the many questions that arise.

Much remains to be done in this field.

This is likely just the first major encounter in the recreational boating encounters Endangered Species discussion.

A New Leash on Life: a tether for outboard motors

Bassmaster November 2024 cover. Includes a feature article on The Leash.

Bassmaster November 2024 cover. Includes a feature article on The Leash.

The Leash, a tether to prevent outboard motors from flipping into boats, is featured in a four page article in the November / December 2024 issue of Bassmaster, the self proclaimed “Worldwide Authority on Bass Fishing”.

Increased speeds of modern bass boats, the popularity of tournament fishing, along with heavier outboard motors, and ever present debris in the water has created a situation in which outboard motors strike floating logs, debris, dredge pipes, or submerged objects, break off, and some flip into the boat while still running with the propeller turning a few thousand RPM.

“The Leash” marketed by Precision Sonar targets this problem and provides a level of protection to bass anglers.

The Bassmaster article focuses on two recent accidents in which The Leash protected and possibly saved the lives of those on board.

The first page of Bassmaster’s article is shown below

Wes Logan was fishing in the Tackle Warehouse Bassmaster Elite event on Lake Champlain in August 2024. His boat struck what was later identified as a floating dock that had broken away in over 100 feet of water. His Yamaha outboard remained tied on by steering cables and The Leash. See PropellerSafety coverage of this accident at The Leash Saves Wes Logan.

Early in the 2024 season, Sam Maxwell was fishing a co-ed tournament with his pregnant wife on Laken Lemon in Indiana. In the early morning, he struck an unmarked dredge pipe. The hydraulic cylinder on the motor broke, the motor crashed forward into the rear deck. The Leash stopped the motor from rotating on into the boat. See PropellerSafety coverage of this accident at The Leash Saves a Family.

The Future

The future for The Leash and other tethers is bright.

Years ago, some outboard manufacturers turned marine drives off when they flipped up out of the water. With that practice no longer followed, outboards are even more dangerous when they enter the boat.

Less than ten years ago, one major outboard manufacturer denied they knew outboards could flip into boats. The events of the last decade, along with several lawsuits have since removed that obstacle.

Hopefully, the current Bassmaster article with finally cause one or more boat or outboard manufacturers to step over the line and begin to protect its customers from these accidents.

Many actions can be taken to “harden” outboards making them less likely to flip into boats as seen in out Preventing Outboard Motors from Flipping Into Boats paper linked below,

What Can Happen

The Bassmaster article provides the image below for shock value of what can happen:

Bassmaster article outboard motor flipped in onto rear deck

Bassmaster article outboard motor flipped in onto rear deck

We have seen several outboards jump the rear pedestal seat. Some land with the propeller on top of the passenger seat headrest. Those photos are not for the faint of heart.

Some of Our Work Concerning Outboard Motors Flipping Into Boats

Two Young Girls Killed by Boat Propellers a World Apart

National flags of the United States., Singapore, and Maldives.

National flags of the United States., Singapore, and Maldives.

November 2024 saw two promising young girls thousands of miles apart killed by boat propellers.

Both girls attended well known private schools and had promising futures ahead of them.

11-year-old Brooke Mejeur was on a 20-foot pontoon boat on Lake Osborne in Palm Beach County Florida Saturday November 2, 2024. Two adults and three minors were on the pontoon boat when the bow suddenly dropped. Brooke Mejeur was thrown from the pontoon boat into the water. She was struck by the propeller. Brooke was recovered from the water, rushed to shore, and died from her injuries.

15-year-old Jenna Chan, a 9th Grade student at St. Joseph’s Institution International (SJI International) in Singapore was on a school research trip in the Maldives. She was snorkeling Friday November 8, 2024 when she was struck and killed by a boat propeller.

Brooke Mejeur

Brooke attended Lake Worth Christian School.

Brooke Mejeur, age 11, killed by boat propeller Go Fund Me page

Go Fund Me Page for Brooke Mejeur, age 11, killed by boat propeller

Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FFWCC) reports their preliminary investigation found the sudden drop of the pontoon boat bow caused her to be thrown overboard where she was struck by the pontoon boat’s propeller.

The pontoon boat was said to have been traveling smoothly when the unexpected event occurred per FOX 29.

Luke Price, a local that saw the search crews on Saturday, said they’ve witnessed a handful of boating accidents on the lake over the years, but none as tragic as this.

FFWCC is investigating the cause of the incident and potential safety measures for boating on Lake Osborne.

While news reports indicate Brooke went over the bow, none mention bow riding. Some suggest the pontoon boat may have struck something in the water.

Jenna Chan

Jenna Chan, 15 of Singapore, was in the Maldives on a whale shark research project, part of the Maldives Whale Shark Research Programme based on Dhigurah Island (Dhigu means Long and rah means Island). The island is about 100 kilometers southwest of Male, the capital of the Maldives. She traveled from Singapore to the Maldives as part of a National Youth Achievement Award.

Dhigurah Island in The Maldives

Dhigurah Island in The Maldives

Jenna was snorkeling when she was struck by a boat propeller. She was dead on arrival at Dhigurah Health Center.

Jenna’s family and a team of supporters have traveled to Male. The family is accompanied by her high school principal. In their absence, her school is providing grief support and counseling services for students.

Singapore’s Foreign Affairs Ministry reports they are providing assistance and support to Jenna’s family.

Jenna Chan's school in Singapore

Jenna Chan’s school in Singapore

SJI International’s website reports their students take part in expeditions to locations including Nintan, Krabi, and Tioman as part of their outdoor education program.

13 November 2024 Update on Jenna Chan accident :

The 13 November 2024 Edition says most early reports had Jenna jumping from the boat and striking the propeller.

An eye witness has come forth saying children went into the water when it was authorized by 3 guides. The boat engine was off. Six children were in the water. The engine was suddenly turned on and the boat began to reverse into the children. A Singaporean yelled, Stop! Stop! but the boat continued in reverse. A search began for Jenna. She was found caught in the propellers.

We are merely repeating the update above as covered by The Edition. The newly reported eye witness account may or may not be true or may not be totally true. It often takes considerable time for investigators to determine what actually happened as best as they can from the evidence they can collect, especially so in remote areas such as this.

Deja Vu

This pair of propeller fatalities great distances from one another claimed the lives of two promising young girls.

Live Like Kali stampIt is very reminiscent of the death of Charlie Hutton,14, in the U.K. and Kali Gorzell, 16, in Texas back on July 20, 2012. Their deaths occurred at almost the exact same time thousands of miles apart. Both had promising futures and left their families with tremendous grief.

Both sets of parents went on to champion boating safety as best as they were able in their grief. Texas adopted a kill-switch law and the Coast Guard studied the end swapping of flat bottom boats with the death of Kali who is still remembered in the slogan developed at her school, Live Like Kali.

Hopefully we will see some movement on boating safety with the death of these two young girls. All we see so far is an investigation by FFWCC and some news coverage of the U.S. accident by Marine Industry News in the UK.

Geography of the November 2024 Propeller Accidents

World Map

World Map

The Leash saves Wes Logan from outboard motor

Wes Logan, a professional bass angler for Yamaha, fished in the 2024 Lake Champlain Bassmaster Elite tournament. On the morning of Day 2 (August 9, 2024) he caught 4 fish. He was on the move with his Skeeter bass boat out in the middle of Lake Champlain. His outboard motor struck what was thought to be part of a floating dock that broke loose during the storm the day before.

The Yamaha 250 outboard motor broke loose from the boat. It was constrained from flipping into the boat by The Leash.

Wes Logan's Yamaha outboard motor broke off in the 2024 Bassmaster Elite Lake Champlain tournament. The outboard was restrained by The Leash. Note, The Leash was cut off to get the motor off.

Wes Logan’s Yamaha outboard motor broke off his Skeeter boat in the 2024 Bassmaster Elite Lake Champlain tournament. The outboard was restrained by The Leash. Note, The Leash was cut off to get the motor off.
Photo posted on Bass Boat Central (BBC) by Mark Perry on August 12, 2024.

Wes Logan was injured from being tossed around in the boat during the impact. He was able to place a phone call for help.

Wes was taken to the hospital. They found he some broken ribs. They did some some CT scans and gave him several stitches. The stitches were mostly in his head and face from hitting the passenger grab bar with his head.

After Wes was released from the hospital, he was able to get back on the water and catch one more fish. Although he did not make the cut for the next round, that last fish will help him significantly in the point system to make it to the 2025 Bassmaster Classic.

Media Coverage of Wes Logan boat accident

Several photos and videos of his accident have been placed on Bass Boat Central (BBC), You Tube, and tic tok. Some of them can be seen below or from the links below.

Multiple times, Wes notes he might not be speaking to them if he had not had The Leash from Precision Sonar on his boat.

Wes Logan Fishing YouTube full video of the accident

Wes Logan Fishing tic tok video August 12, 2024


Here is the video of the accident from Day 2 at Champlain. Thankful to be alive, please wear your lifejacket and kill switch whenever you are operating your boat.

♬ original sound – Wes Logan Fishing

Bassmaster Covered The Accident

Bassmaster covered the accident as part of their coverage of the 2024 Bassmaster Elite Lake Champlain tournament.

The Bass Fishing Media Went into a Frenzy Over This Accident and The Leash

There have been several recent “saves” by The Leash. This last one seems to have caused the dam to break on chatter about the issue and The Leash in bass forums.

For example, below are some links to Bass Boat Central (BBC) forum threads resulting from this accident.

Precision Sonar

We even found some coverage of this accident in Ghana.

Featured Publications : Boat Propeller Safety

Boat propeller safety bookcase

Below is a collection of some of our more significant boat propeller safety publications, papers, and charts. Most of them are in PDF format. Featured Publications

  1. Aspects of the Propeller Safety Debate chart
  2. Houseboat Propeller Safety Proposed and Withdrawn by USCG: Analysis by PGIC
  3. History of Boat Propeller Safety
  4. Mitigating Boat Propeller Injuries & Fatalities Chart
  5. Approaches to Prevent Outboard Motors From Flipping Into Boats After Striking Floating or Submerged Objects
  6. Approaches to Prevent Outboard Motors From Flipping Into Boats After Striking Floating or Submerged Objects: Supplement #1
  7. Why Outboards Used in Bass Tournaments Disproportionately Break Off & Flip into Boats Compared to Other Outboard Motors
  8. 2016 Resubmission of our 2014 Public Comment Letter to the National Boating Advisory Council on Large Outboard Motors Striking Submerged Objects and Flipping Into Boats
  9. Log Strike Mode Chart
  10. Four Volume Review of the Boating Industry’s Boat Propeller Guard Product Liability Defense
  11. BARD Training Support Materials: USCG’s Boating Accident Report Database
  12. 2016 Resubmission of our 2014 Public Comment to the National Boating Safety Advisory Council on Over 10,000 reported boating accidents being invisible in the public version of their Boating Accident Report Database (BARD)

The Leash Saves a Family From Outboard Motor

Sam M. and his pregnant wife were participating in a small bass tournament in Indiana in May 2024.

They were in a Phoenix bass boat powered by a 200 horsepower Mercury Marine Pro XS outboard motor.

While running down the lake, they struck a dredge pipe that was not there two days earlier during practice fishing.

When they struck the dredge pipe, the outboard motor flipped up, the piston rod exited the tilt cylinder, and the large outboard crashed down into the rear deck of the Phoenix boat.

They believe The Leash prevented the outboard motor from coming on into the boat, averting serious injuries to those on board.

Sam’s father reported The Leash saved his son, his daughter-in-law, and his unborn grandchild.

The Failure

As mentioned above, the drive swang up with enough force to break the piston off the tilt cylinder piston. This allowed the drive to over rotate and crash into the rear deck.

A photo of the drive is below. The position of the tilt cylinder without it’s cylinder rod is marked.

The Leash accident in 2024. Mercury Pro XS 200 struck dredge pipe and pulled tilt cylinder apart.

The Leash accident in 2024. Mercury Pro XS 200 struck dredge pipe and pulled tilt cylinder apart.

How to Get The Leash

The Leash is available from Precision Sonar. The Leash prevented this family’s Mercury Marine outboard motor from entering his Phoenix bass boat and killing or maiming him and his pregnant wife.

Thanks to Precision Sonar for posting information on this accident.

Some Other Saves Involving The Leash

We encourage you to visit another Precision Sonar Facebook post on a similar accident in 2023. We covered the 2023 accident at The Leash Saves Bass Angler From Outboard Motor/

Mike Wilkins emotionally tells of a save during High School bass fishing tournament in the YouTube video below.

More Information on The Leash

Rex Chambers and his fishing partner were injured in 2014 when they struck a submerged log. The 250 horsepower Mercury outboard motor broke off, and flipped into the boat still under power.

Rex’s fishing partner on that day, Danny Pettus, back in 2014 posted a 10 year anniversary post about their accident on Danny Pettus Fishing on May 4, 2024.

Rex was later a proponent for The Leash as seen in this video.

USCG releases Recreational Boating Statistics 2023

U.S. Coast Guard emblemThe U.S. Coast Guard released their annual 2023 Recreational Boating Statistics report on 28 May 2024.

Total number of accidents, injuries, and deaths were down significantly in 2023.

2023 USCG BARD reported accident statistics were 3,844 accidents, 2,126 injuries, and 564 deaths.

2022 USCG BARD reported accident statistics were 4,040 accidents, 2,222 injuries, and 636 deaths

Propeller accidents, injuries, and deaths were also significantly down in 2023.

2023 USCG BARD reported 145 propeller accidents, 133 injuries, and 23 deaths.

2022 USCG BARD reported 173 propeller accidents, 182 injuries, and 41 deaths.

Discussion & Comments

We are still studying USCG annual Recreational Boating Statistics report and having some problems reconciling the new much lower propeller accident numbers with our feel for the year and with the increase in non-powered propeller strikes (kayaks, canoes, standup paddle boards).

For those interested in historical statistics, see our Propeller Accident Statistics page.

Thanks to all those at USCG whose efforts helped make this annual statistical report of boating accidents possible.

We would also like to thank USCG, law enforcement officials, lake patrols, first responders, good samaritans, nurses and physicians, life flight teams, paramedics, those offering boating safety classes, boat safety equipment check points, safe boaters, state boating law administrators, life jacket loaner program participants, Operation Dry Water, those spreading boating safety messages, and all others who work tirelessly to drive these annual totals down.

Plus we thank the many search and dive teams that respond when things go bad and are able to help bring closure to the friends and families of those lost.

Plus thanks to all the state boating law administrators and all the officers in the field filling out the accident reports, and to the individuals that self reported their accidents.

And to those continuing to improve the accuracy and completeness of boat accident reports.

Wear Your Life Jacket to Work Day inspires life jacket use

We created a series of Artificial Intelligence (AI) images to encourage boaters to wear life jackets. Several real and imaginary characters, as well as The Statue of Liberty were used.

Several boats are in the images.

New boaters or existing boaters not currently always wearing a life jacket are our intended audience for these AI Life Jacket images.

The uniqueness of these images should increase the reach of this message. We hope it will encourage at least one person to start wearing their life jacket.

One of our previous AI Lifejacket images is below:

Life jacket and sea turtles for Propeller Safety image

Life jacket and sea turtles for Propeller Safety image

Our Wear Your Boat Life Jacket to Work Volunteers

Some of our subjects were camera shy but when they learned the importance to encouraging others to wear life jackets, they agreed to participate.

Click on the images below to view a larger, higher resolution image.

Alien wearing a yellow life jacket for National Wear Your Life Jacket to Work day.

Alien wearing a yellow life jacket for National Wear Your Life Jacket to Work day.

The Statue of Liberty wearing a life jacket for National Wear Your Life Jacket to Work day.

The Statue of Liberty wearing a life jacket for National Wear Your Life Jacket to Work day.

Bigfoot wearing a life jacket for National Wear Your Life Jacket to Work day.

Bigfoot wearing a life jacket for National Wear Your Life Jacket to Work day.

Clark Kent (Superman) wearing a life jacket for National Wear Your Life Jacket to Work day.

Clark Kent (Superman) wearing a life jacket for National Wear Your Life Jacket to Work day.

Unidentified man wearing a life jacket for National Wear Your Life Jacket to Work day. If you don't recognize him, ask your dad.

Unidentified man wearing a life jacket for National Wear Your Life Jacket to Work day. If you don’t recognize him, ask your dad.

Mermaid wearing a life jacket for National Wear Your Life Jacket to Work day.

Mermaid wearing a life jacket for National Wear Your Life Jacket to Work day.

The Statue of Liberty wearing a life jacket in the evening for National Wear Your Life Jacket to Work day.

The Statue of Liberty wearing a life jacket in the evening for National Wear Your Life Jacket to Work day.

Alien wearing a orange life jacket for National Wear Your Life Jacket to Work day.

Alien wearing a orange life jacket for National Wear Your Life Jacket to Work day.

List of Our Life Jacket Volunteers

  1. The Statue of Liberty wearing a life jacket
  2. Bigfoot wearing a life jacket
  3. two Aliens wearing life jackets
  4. Unidentified man wearing a life jacket (hint – he parachuted from an airplane with a bag full of money in 1971 and was never seen again)
  5. a Mermaid wearing a life jacket
  6. Clark Kent – Superman wearing a life jacket

About the AI Boat Life Jacket Images

We told our readers that if they did not recognize one of our volunteers, they might ask their dad which could lead to even more life jacket discussions.

Low Resolution versions of the images are below.

It is currently National Boating Safety Week 2024 and a great time to share this message. Please feel free to share, forward, or use these images as AI images cannot be copyrighted.

Facebook Post Announces The New Images

Our Facebook Post is below.

Click on the images below to see larger versions of them.

Always remember to wear your life jacket when you are out of the water.

More Boating Safety AI images and High Resolution Images

If someone needs higher resolution AI Life Jacket images for publication, please contact me. See “Contact Us” in the top menu.

More of our previous Boating Safety AI images can be seen at Boating Safety Messages.

The Leash at the 2024 Bassmaster Classic on Grand Lake

We saw The Leash on several boats at the 2024 Bassmaster Classic on Grand Lake in Grove Oklahoma in March 2024.

The photos below show The Leash in action at the Bassmaster Classic.

Jamie Hartman

Jamie Hartman's Z21XL Pro Nitro with The Leash at the 2024 Bassmaster Classic

Jamie Hartman’s Z21XL Pro Nitro with The Leash at the 2024 Bassmaster Classic

Jamie Hartman was running The Leash on a Nitro Z21XL Pro powered by a Mercury outboard. He pulled out early Saturday.
His boat was parked in a great spot to capture some of the background, color, and spirit of the Classic.

Jamie Hartman's Z21XL Pro Nitro closeup with The Leash at the 2024 Bassmaster Classic

Jamie Hartman’s Z21XL Pro Nitro closeup with The Leash at the 2024 Bassmaster Classic

We also captured a nice closeup of The Leash on Hartman’s Nitro.

Brandon Card

Brandon Card running The Leash at 2024 Bassmaster Classic

Brandon Card running The Leash at 2024 Bassmaster Classic

Brandon Card was running The Leash on a Vexus Boat powered by a Suzuki outboard.

Josh Wiesner

Josh Wiesner running The Leash at 2024 Bassmaster Classic

Josh Wiesner running The Leash at 2024 Bassmaster Classic

Josh Wiesner from Wisconsin was running The Leash on a Ranger Z520 powered by a Mercury outboard.

Tim Tube

Tim Tube running The Leash at 2024 Bassmaster Classic

Tim Tube running The Leash at 2024 Bassmaster Classic

Tim Tube was running a Nitro boat powered by a Mercury outboard.

Tyler Williams

Tyler Williams running The Leash at 2024 Bassmaster Classic

Tyler Williams running The Leash at 2024 Bassmaster Classic

Tyler Williams was running a Skeeter boat powered by Yamaha.

Precision Sonar

Precision Sonar booth at 2024 Bassmaster Classic

Precision Sonar booth at 2024 Bassmaster Classic

Precision Sonar, marketing The Leash, displayed one an outboard in their booth. Lora is shown talking to one of their representatives. Precision Sonar’s booth was wide enough we had to cut the outboard out and move it over to the right in the image above.

A Recreational Boat

We came in a day early on Thursday and noticed a recreational boat in the parking area running The Leash.

The Leash on Recreational Boat at 2024 Bassmaster Classic

The Leash on Recreational Boat at 2024 Bassmaster Classic

This Nitro was powered by Mercury.

Jamie Hartman Video

After we returned back home, we found a Video of Jamie Hartman speaking about The Leash in Precision Sonar’s booth at the 2024 Classic.

About The Leash

The Leash has come a long ways since Chris Lane first ran The Leash at the 2016 Bassmaster Classic, also in Grove Oklahoma.

Precision Sonar reports The Leash continues to gain traction, particularly among bass anglers after major accidents.

Our previous coverage of The Leash includes: