Archive for UK – Page 2

BBC to Broadcast Boat Kill Cord Video Monday 30 September 2013

We discuss and review the actual broadcast at BBC Kill Cord Investigative Report. This page announced the program and covers how to “watch” the program until approximately Monday October 7th, 2013. ******************* We just heard the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) will be broadcasting their boat kill-cord / lanyard kill switch short documentary film tonight, Monday […]

Cian Williams – 2012 Boat Propeller Accident in Wales

Cian Wyn Williams, a 13 year old Wales boy, was at Porthmadog Harbor with some friends about lunchtime Saturday 11 August, 2012. While they were visiting with a speedboat operator, the man invited them to join him for a ride to Pwiheli to refuel his boat. The joined him, refueled, and on the way back […]

Propeller Solutions Prop Deflector: August 2013 Update

We heard from our friends at Propeller Solutions in the UK last Friday (August 2, 2013). They are continuing to improve their vane / vein type guard called the Prop Deflector. Propeller Solutions Facebook Page links to some of their recent test data and photos on Dropbox. They also recently announced a new website specifically […]

UK Boat Kill Cord & Propeller Safety Interactive Timeline

Boat propeller safety issues have created a “Perfect Storm” in the United Kingdom (UK). Tens of thousands of people are calling for reforming boat propeller safety regulations. A petition calling for making the use of kill cords (emergency engine kill switch lanyards) mandatory has now received over 68,000 signatures. It had been business as usual […]

Google searches for “Kill Cord” spike in UK following the Milligan accident

Interest in recreational boat kill cords (emergency engine cut-off switches and lanyards) strongly peaked in the United Kingdom (UK) following the Nicholas Milligan family accident at Padstow Harbor on May 5, 2013. Interest world wide was also very high after the accident. As an example of the peak in interest, we investigated Google search frequencies. […]

Powerboat & RIB Magazine distributes “Wear Your Kill Cord” warning sticker

In the wake of all the attention focused on kill cords (emergency engine kill-switch lanyards) by the Milligan accident, Powerboat & RIB Magazine (PBR) is taking action will be sending our free “Attach Your Kill Cord” warning stickers with their July issue. They announced the new warning stickers labels were in stock via Twitter on […]

UK Petition to Put Cages on Boat Propellers

Cian Williams, a young boy from North Wales severely injured by a boat propeller last year, and his mother have launched a petition to Sir Dafydd Ellis Thomas in the United Kingdom (UK) to “Put Cages on Boat Propellers”. The petition itself is very brief and to the point, “Put cages on boat propellers.” It […]

UK History of the Boat Kill Cord & Propeller Safety Movement

Nicholas Milligan’s family’s propeller accident at Padstow Harbor generated a tremendous amount of interest in boat propeller safety issues and particularly in the use of kill cords. To place the Milligan accident and the current level of interest in a proper and historical perspective, we wrote a History of Propeller Safety issues in the United […]

Madaline Cole, UK Woman Killed by Boat Propeller in Malaysia

Madaline Cole, 25 of Herefordshire England, was snorkeling with three friends in Malaysia. About 10:20 am May 27, 2013 they were off Shari-La Resort, Pulau Perhentian Kecil, off the northeast coast of West Malaysia in the South China Sea. A boat bringing tourists in to the island resort struck her and Simon James Rogers, 22 […]

Charlie Hutton’s Brothers Raise Funds for RNLI

Charlie Hutton, 14 of the UK, was killed by a boat propeller off the Isle of Wight in July 2012. His brothers have since been raising fund for the Royal National Lifeboat Institution (RNLI) which came to his rescue. RNLI has been credited with saving over 140,000 lives in its long history. Charlie’s older brothers, […]