Archive for Coast Guard – Page 5

Analysis of NMMA Public Comments on USCG-2011-0497 Proposed Propeller Strike Rule / Regulation

The U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) requested public comments for their Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking titled, Recreational Vessel Propeller Strike and Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Casualty Prevention. National Marine Manufacturing Association (NNMA) responded on November 25, 2011. While we may not agree with the six page letter written by Cindy Squires it was very well written. […]

USCG Recreational Vessel Propeller Strike Casualty Prevention Proposed Rule USCG-2011-0497 Our Public Comments

USCG published an advanced notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) for Recreational Vessel Propeller Strike and Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Casualty Prevention, USCG-2011-0497, in the Federal Register on August 26, 2011. The deadline for public response was November 25, 2011. The U.S. Coast Guard sought comments on specific measures to protect recreational boaters in the water at […]

Shark Attacks vs. Propeller Strikes: A Statistical Comparison

We often see media reports referring to propeller strikes as very rare or freak events, while shark attacks are trumpeted as an ever present danger. While both events share some potentially horrible outcomes and spark fear in victims and onlookers, propeller accidents are actually much more frequent. This post is being written in response to […]

Stephen Keller Boat Propeller Accident – Boat Propeller Fatality Statistics Under Reported – San Jose Mercury News Misinforms Readers

Stephen Keller’s fatal boat propeller accident on Lake Tahoe Saturday August 27, 2011 was covered by San Jose California’s Mercury News, because Stephen Joseph Keller DDS was a dentist in San Jose. Mercury News’ August 31st coverage of the boating accident made a major error in reporting the number of annual United States deaths by […]

Propeller Safety History Repeats Itself, Repeats Itself ….

While reviewing the U.S. Coast Guard’s Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on boat engine cut-off switches (lanyard kill switches), USCG-2009-0206, we noticed USCG included a 2008 review of their BARD (Boating Accident Report Database) in which USCG identified boat propeller accident injuries and fatalities from 2002 through 2006 that could have been prevented if the […]

Propeller Safety Year in Review 2011

A review of the major propeller safety events in 2011 including safety meetings, accidents, legal cases, deaths of those involved in the movement, statistics, patents, articles published, public service announcements, anniversaries, and other related events.

Kill Switch / Engine Cut-Off Switch Proposed Rulemaking Comments Sought by USCG

The United States Coast Guard (USCG) published an Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (Regulations) in the Federal Register on June 8, 2011. The proposal is titled, Installation and Use of Engine Cut-Off Switches on Recreational Vessels. As part of the proposal, the Coast Guard also published a Preventable Fatalities and Injuries Report listing boating accidents […]

Hydrodynamics of Propeller Accidents Part 2 – Right Whale Collision Research

Following up on Hydrodynamics of Propeller Accidents Part 1, we now share some research work that looks very applicable to future hydrodynamic studies of human body / swimmer / man overboard interactions with boats, drives, propellers, and propeller guards. We recently came across some hydrodynamic studies of whale interactions with ships, ship hulls, and ship […]

Hydrodynamics of Propeller Accidents – Part 1 the History

Little research has been done surrounding the hydromechanics of people / swimmers/ man overboard encounters with propellers or propeller guards. We will now explore this field, some of the opportunities it presents, and some recent research that looks very applicable to studying the hydrodynamics of human / boat / propeller / propeller guard interactions. We […]

Florida Propeller Accidents Missing From U.S. Coast Guard 2010 Boating Accident Report Database (BARD)

As mentioned in our previous review of propeller accident reporting in USCG’s BARD 2010 database, 7 of the 10 propeller accidents we found news media reports for that were not listed in BARD occurred in the State of Florida. That got us wondering if something might be different with their reporting criteria, their boating accident […]