Archive for child

Kaelynne Driscoll, 8, struck by boat propeller on Skaneateles Lake in NY

Kaelynne Driscoll, an 8 year old girl, was riding an inner tube with her father, Christopher Driscoll, on Wednesday 6 July 2016. They were tubing on Skaneateles Lake in Onondaga County New York behind a 17 foot Bayliner boat. The tube struck a wake, she and her father fell from the tube, the boat, being […]

Aiden McKitrick, age 3, stuck by Pontoon boat propeller on Lake Ray Hubbard

Aiden McKitrick, a three year old boy, was on a pontoon boat with his father, Austin McKitrick, Thurday evening May 5, 2016 on Lake Ray Hubbard, near Dallas Texas. About 8:30pm they were near the Rush Creek Yacht Club and Aiden was playing near the pontoon boat gate. The young boy, Aiden McKitrick, fell overboard […]