Author Archive for Gary – Page 11

Ott Defoe, Mercury, & Nitro win Bassmaster Classic 2019

Congratulations to Ott Defoe on his great Bassmaster Classic win Sunday 17 March 2019. We screen captured the image of him and his family below as they began the parade around the arena from Bassmaster’s live coverage. Congratulations to Nitro to putting their boat in the winners circle and to Mercury Marine for powering this […]

Log strike impact mapping / charting invention

Our Log strike impact mapping / charting invention disclosure below was posted on 2 March 2019. We will make no changes to the text below the line following this paragraph except to correct misspellings, punctuation, and to update html/computer codes and links. Any updates to the invention will be posted below the invention disclosure. Log […]

Mercury patents log strike monitoring system

Brunswick / Mercury Marine was issued U.S. Patent 10,214,271 Systems and Methods for Monitoring Underwater Impacts to Marine Propulsion Devices on 26 February 2019. Steven J. Gonring and Mark D. Curtis are listed as the inventors. The patent teaches detecting rate of trim (rate of tilt) to determine an impact occurred. If the drive is […]

Why outboards break off bass boats paper

In our continuing coverage of large outboard motors breaking off and flipping into boats it is obvious that most incidents in recent years involve bass boats. Some reasons are obvious: bass boats run fast, bass anglers are in a hurry in bass tournaments, and bass hang out in shallow water. However this paper digs much […]

Boat Propeller Injuries: Medical Case Studies paper

Trauma Monthly published a great paper in July 2017 in which eight European medical professionals in The Netherlands wrote in detail about four specific boat propeller accidents. The authors provide medical histories of the four individuals injured including color photos of their injuries, how they were treated by paramedics, what happened initially at the hospital, […]

Propeller Safety Year in Review 2018

A brief review of the major propeller safety events in 2018 including safety meetings, accidents, legal cases, deaths of those involved in the movement, statistics, patents, articles published, public service announcements, anniversaries, regulations, and other related events.

Ryan’s Law filed in State of New York

Back in June 2018 Suffolk County, New York voted to require propeller guards on boats used for youth instruction. The law was named for 12 year-old Ryan Weiss, killed by a boat propeller at Long Island’s Centerport Yacht Club in July 2017. Ryan was killed during a training exercise on righting a capsized sailboat. Now, […]

NYT article on MLF Bass Pro Tour

The New York Times published an epic article on bass tournaments titled, This is the Most Lucrative Moment in History to Catch Bass, on 18 October 2018. The feature article talks extensively about the history and business of bass fishing, The Bass Anglers Sportsman Society (BASS), a Bassmaster Elite tournament at Waddington, New York in […]

Barhanovich case settled

Mark Barhanovich was killed when his Suzuki outboard motor struck a dredge pipe alleged not to be properly marked on Sunday morning September 16, 2012 off Biloxi Mississippi near Deer Island. The Suzuki outboard broke off, flipped into his boat. Later that morning, Mr. Barhanovich, a widely known and respected local figure, died from his […]

Kickup bracket with jack plate patent application

David Vance Jr. filed a patent application for a jack plate integrated with a kickup bracket. The kickup portion of the assembly is chained to prevent over rotation of the outboard when a submerged object is struck. The patent application was published 22 November 2018. Mr. Vance, the inventor, says this design is for faster […]