USCG NBSAC97 Our Public Comment
The U.S. Coast Guard National Boating Safety Advisory Council (NBSAC) will be holding its 97th meeting on March 23-25, 2017 in Arlington, Virginia.
Their March 2, 2018 notice in the Federal Register invited public comments, due by March 6th if they were to be distributed in advance to NBSAC members.
We submitted a pubic comment, our recent Propeller Safety dot com post on our updated design chart for preventing outboard motors from breaking off and flipping into boats when striking floating or submerged objects.
We used a cover letter to point out NBSACs own discovery of this problem as retold in the NBSAC95 minutes and attached a copy of our design chart post.
We had been watching for the public comment time window, but no mention of it was made on the HomePort site used to announce NBSAC events. I checked the Federal Register the afternoon of March 6th and found the announcement.
We suggest USCG/NBSAC announce their public comment period dates in advance if there is only going to be a 4 day window and you have to daily search for it in the Federal Register to figure out when it opens.
Later, I posted A our full comment to make it easier to access.